Nomad Rides

Meet other nomads & travel together

Community of short-term digital workers

Discover the last rides

Meet Remote Workers

  • You like remote working, having the freedom to go wherever ou want.
  • But you always end up working at the same place
  • You could use this power to...
  • Travel the world and meet like-minded people who do the same.
  • Don't you?

Travel Together

We want to offer you a place where you can

  • Discover new places
  • Build your network
  • Enjoy your time
  • While still working

How it works?

Get in touch

Find together a period & a place

Go for 4-14 days of remote working

Enjoy the journey

We're not a group touring thing, we're only 2 to 6 people per working trip because it's more about getting along together.

Discover our stories

Our Amazing Riders

Lars, Unless co-founder

Designer turned programmer, Lars likes to make cool stuff.


Designer / Web developer

Guillaume, urban brewer

Backpacker, traveler, he also co-founded Le Singe Savant, a micro-brewery in Lille, France.




Social scientist turned programming geek.


Social scentist / Developer

Find remote workers
Plan & join rides

But what about YOU?!

We'd love to meet you and go for a ride.

Join us